Teknolync is a family for skilled IT candidates. We don’t recruit a candidate; we add them to our family. We help our candidates’ not just by finding a job also guiding them all through their career journey from graduation to retirement. Teknolync provides the following services: IT services, IT recruiting, IT Training and Business solution. We are IT professionals with over 100 years combined IT professional experience starting as IT interns and working our way up to CTO, CIO and Sr. Consultants.

Woven from the combined talent of our experienced individuals, our services create a canvas of high quality capabilities aimed at innovatively helping our clients meet the evolving technology challenges. We have been integral with implementing and supporting various technologies through their lifecycle. We have developed the processes required to manage IT departments according to industry standards to help deliver value services to our customers. We have successfully built IT teams of major firms with key talent. Our candidates have consistently received praises from our customers for their skills and professionalism.

After spending years working with different recruiting firms to staff qualified IT candidates, we get disappointed by the procedural delays by organizational habit of pushing the resume. Even after hiring staffing companies to weed out the ineligible candidates we find ourselves interviewing unqualified candidates. Even after the interview process there was still a risk that the candidate would not be able to complete their daily duties so there is a probationary period which might result in us having to terminate the candidate contract. This is disappointing both as a recruiter and also as an organization that values our client needs the most.

This clearly showed that we were not being valued by our recruiting companies. For the recruiting company candidates are treated as just a number not as a resource. Recruiting companies add zero value to the candidate except introducing them to the customer. Most recruiting firms don’t have the skills to identify technical abilities so they cannot help the candidate with the interview process and provide zero assistance after the candidate is hired.

What makes Teknolync different from traditional recruiting companies? Our candidates are our greatest asset so we treat them as such and not a commodity. Our goal is to build a lifetime relationship with our candidates to help them as they sail through their career journey. Teknolync will help candidates find a position, maintain the position and help them when it’s time to advance to another level. When a candidate is selected to join Teknolync, they become a part of the Teknolync’s extended family. The Teknolync interview process is very rigorous because we are extremely selective about who we allow to be a part of our family.