Teknolync was founded by Elite IT professional with over 100 years combined experience. We are a family of IT Candidates and hiring managers. Catering to the demands of the industry from recruiting to training we have created a company that will help improve the quality of the candidate and add value to our customers. Our team of IT professionals have worked for some of the largest global organizations as elite IT professionals to IT executives across many industries. Our team of professionals have held roles from entry level helpdesk and phone support to executive level CIO, CTO and Sr. Consultants. Our team of elite IT professionals have not only interviewed people for IT roles but we have also been candidates going through the interview process. Because of the varied work and our belief in providing nothing but the excellence we can see things not only from the candidate’s perspective but also from the Hiring manager’s perspective. It is because of this knowledge that we are able to not only add value to the customers that’s seeking skilled workforce but also to candidates who are looking for guidance about their career.

Any candidate who joins Teknolync becomes a part of the Teknolync family. To ensure that our candidates have all the characteristics to join our elite team we use a very rigorous elimination process. The Teknolync vetting process is not only designed to identify a candidate’s technical ability but we also ensure that the candidate shares our mission and values. All our candidates must possess the intellect to learn technology but must also have a genuine love for their career. The candidate must possess the moral capacity to do the right thing not some of the time but all the time even when no one is looking. We encourage our candidates to always be honest under any circumstances.

It’s because of our commitment to quality and integrity that we selected not to recruit based on request. Teknolync is very committed to providing the best candidate for a position but the position has to also fit the candidate career path. Teknolync’s recruiting process is to first ensure that the candidate has all the essential qualities to be a part of the Teknolync family. After joining the family and proving that the candidate has the skills to perform well in an organization Teknolync will contact the customer to help fill their position. By using this approach we ensure that the position will be win/win for both the candidate and the customer. The customer will get an elite candidate and the candidate will get a position that will be essential to their career growth.